Neighborhood Mobile
Watch Patrol
About 10 years back one of our franchisees had some equipment
stolen from his work truck in broad daylight. When he returned to find the equipment
missing, no one would reveal who had come near the truck; the witnesses did not want to
get involved. That is when The Car Wash Guys decided that they would get involved.
Although many of us live in great communities with little crime that does not mean any of
us should tolerate any crime. We believe a Zero Tolerance goal is by far the best policy.
By uniting the entire community and working together we can decrease the crime we do have
and make our community one of the best places in the World a person could ever want to
live. We each have a great community and intend to keep it that way. We want our community
to be number one in our state and our citizens, friends and families to know that we are
all looking out for them and they are looking out for us. No longer will the temptation
exist for an unethical situation to occur. The criminals will know that our town is a no
fly zone and that it is not only a police car that they need to be concerned with. They
will be caught if they attempt anything by the first person who sees them. The ice cream
man, the school bus driver, an electrician, a plumber, a pool cleaner, a real estate
agent, anyone and everybody will be observing while driving around in their normal course
of business.
Now more than ever, it is important for all Americans to be
observant and help protect their own communities. Learn how to watch for potential
arsonists, suspicous behavior, and be aware of people on the govenment's
"wanted" lists. Together we can prevent crime.
- Lance Winslow III
© Copyright 1996-2023, The Lance Winslow III Foundation. Web Design & Maintence by: Rick Rome Creative