Neighborhood Mobile
Watch Patrol
We believe that it is important that all members of our
communities feel safe and secure. The Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol program,
created by Lance Winslow, is a low-cost program that anyone can initiate in their own
communities. By involving the local Police Department, Chamber of Commerce, and
volunteers who are in occupations which require them to travel around many neighborhoods,
a neighborhood watch program can be created which will deter criminal activites.
Now more than ever it is important for all Americans to be
observant and watch out for each other. You may event want to add special
information on arson watch to your neighborhood watch program.
The details of this program are outlined in the book
"How To Start a Successful Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol", written by Lance
Winslow. This book is available online, by clicking on the links below, and for
download in PDF format.

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